We take the welfare of children and young people and vulnerable adults very seriously.

Safeguarding and Protecting Children & Adults

We promote the safety and welfare of children, young people and adults engaged in sporting activities locally. We aim to contribute to safeguarding children, young people and adults by:

  • Meeting the requirements of the Standards for Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Sport (CPSU second edition) and the Safeguarding of Adults under the Care Act 2014
  • Implementing and demonstrating best safeguarding practice when staff, volunteers or others are providing services, activities and programmes for children, young people and adults
  • Formulation of a Safeguarding Children in Sport group to work with partners to establish consistent safeguarding standards for sports activities
  • Requiring those individuals or organisations that are funded or commissioned to provide any services for children, young people and adults to effectively address safeguarding requirements
  • Maximising its influence to promote safeguarding practice and principles within its wider partnership roles and relationships
  • To minimise the possibility of abuse to those people at risk in sporting environments, we are committed to working in partnership with all agencies to ensure that information and training opportunities are available for coaches, staff and volunteers to guide them in best practice when working with all children, young people and adults.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Implementation plan

Active Lancashire’s Board is fully committed to recruiting and engaging people with appropriate diversity, independence, skills, experience and knowledge to take effective decisions that further our organisational aims and objectives.

View our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Implementation plan

Digital Safeguarding Policy

Active Lancashire is committed to safeguarding our participants, volunteers and staff – and we are committed to applying the same rigorous levels of safeguarding protection online as we do in all other circumstances. it is our policy to apply the same rigorous level of safeguarding protection to online as we do in person.

View our Digital Safeguarding Policy

What To Do If You Need Help

If you are a child or young person who needs help, please go to the Childline website or the NSPCC Helpline website.

If you are an adult who needs help or advice, please visit the Ann Craft Trust website. 

If you are a sports club looking for more detailed information on child protection in sport, please visit the Child Protection in Sport Unit website. This includes links to excellent resources and publications, including the Safesport Away guide for clubs taking children and young people away on trips.

If you have any concerns you can also contact Lancashire Police on 01772 614444.

You can also contact the MASH Team on 0300 123 6720 (Out of hours: 0300 123 6722).

Safeguarding Team at Active Lancashire

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any safeguarding concerns.

Ronan McMahon

Lead Safeguarding Officer 
Tel: 07465 759911 / 07861 551390

Gwen Hughes
Safeguarding Officer 
Tel: 07465 759911 / 07474 615073

Nathan Moulds
Safeguarding Officer 
Tel: 07465 759911 / 07877 647519

 Adrian Leather
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 07465 759911

Useful Resources and Advice

Information and Guidance on Safeguarding and Protecting Children in sport can be found by accessing the NSPCC Safeguarding Support Toolkit for Sports Programmes.

Information on Safeguarding Adults in Sport can be found by clicking here to the Ann Craft Trust website.

Child Protection in Sport Unit Advice
The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) is a partnership between the NSPCC, Sport England, Sport Northern Ireland and Sport Wales. In Scotland there is a similar partnership between Children 1st and sportscotland.

The Unit was founded in 2001 to work with UK Sports Councils, National Governing Bodies (NGBs), County Sports Partnerships (CSPs) and other organisations to help them minimise the risk of child abuse during sporting activities.

They have a wide range of advice and support available including:

  • Advice for parents - It's your right as a parent or carer to be able to check how well a sports club is run, for the sake of your child's safety and your peace of mind.
  • Advice for young people - Don't let anyone spoil the fun! Sport is fun - it gives you the opportunity to make new friends, try out new activities and amaze yourself with what you can do!
  • safeguarding in a digital world- Online technology has advanced and changed the way people communicate and interact on a daily basis. Sports organisations, coaches and others involved in providing activities for children and young people are increasingly using the internet and social media to promote sport and communicate with them.

Involving children and young people

Involving children and young people in decision making, planning and hearing their voices is an important part of creating a safe culture in a club or activity.

Here are some of the key benefits for young people:

  • it provides opportunities for young people to share their concerns or worries, feedback or share ideas and views
  • helps them to feel valued and listened to
  • it gives a chance to develop new skills, experience and confidence
  • more likely to feel comfortable to talk about concerns or worries with an adult in the club
  • it helps them gain confidence by working within a group, becoming more connected with their peers and increasing their sense of belonging, team moral and loyalty
  • the communication skills learnt will help them navigate challenging situations within the club in a more sensitive and appropriate manner

More information available at: https://thecpsu.org.uk/help-advice/topics/involving-children-and-young-people/ 

Local Safeguarding Boards

The Government sets out the duties of every Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) in their document 'Working Together to Safeguard Children (2013)'.

The purpose of all LSCBs is to ensure that local services provided to children are effective and well coordinated. Working Together 2013 also states that The LSCB should publish a threshold document that includes:

The process for the early help assessment and the type and level of early help services to be provided; and the criteria, including the level of need, for when a case should be referred to local authority children's social care for assessment and for statutory services.

Lancashire has three Local Safeguarding Children Boards, they are:

Lancashire Children’s Safeguarding Partnership
Tel: 0300 123 6720 or out of hours 0300 123 6722 (5pm - 8am)
W: www.safeguardingpartnership.org.uk

Useful Contacts

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub was set up as a single point of access in Lancashire for all safeguarding concerns.
T: 0300 123 6720 (Out of hours: 0300 123 6722)
W: https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/council/transparency/access-to-information/service-and-project-specific-privacy-notices/mash/ 

Access support from other young people and professionals, all at your own pace.
W: https://www.kooth.com/ 
Get urgent support from a crisis service https://www.kooth.com/urgent-support 

Ann Craft Trust
Supporting organisations to safeguard adults and young people at risk and minimise the risk of harm.
T: 01159515400
W: www.anncrafttrust.org 

Childline is a free, private and confidential service to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issues they’re going through.
T: 0800 1111
W: www.childline.org.uk 

Child Protection in Sport Unit
Keeping children safe in sport.
T: 0116 366 5580
W: www.thecpsu.org.uk 

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
The UK’s leading children’s charity. Looking out for children and working to stop child abuse and neglect.
T: 0800 800 500
W: www.nspcc.org.uk 

Mencap Sport
Increasing the opportunities people with a learning disability have to take part in sport and physical activities.
T: 01924 234912
W: www.mencap.org.uk/sport 

Club Matters
Club Matters is a Sport England Lottery funded programme that provides free resources, support, guidance and workshops to grassroots sports clubs, groups and community organisations.
W: https://www.sportenglandclubmatters.com/ 

UK Coaching
UK Coaching inspires the nation’s coaches to deliver great coaching through best practice, training, research and industry standards across sports, communities and national governing bodies.
T: 0113 274 4802
W: www.ukcoaching.org/ 

Lancashire LGBT
‘Our mission is to support LGBTQ+ people to be happier, healthier and better connected’
W: https://lancslgbt.org.uk/ 

Kick It Out
‘Driven forward by our love of sport, we’re here to fight discrimination. We’re here to make sure football is a game for everyone – and that means putting equality and inclusion up front’
W: https://www.kickitout.org/

Sporting Equals
Promoting ethnic diversity across sport and physical activity
T: 0121 777 1375 
W: https://www.sportingequals.org.uk/ 

Disclosure & Barring Service
T: 0870 90 90 811
W: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/disclosure-and-barring-service

Anti Bullying Alliance
Working together to stop bullying and create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn
T: 07721 097 033
W: [email protected] 

Activity Alliance
The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity
T: 0161 200 5446 (Manchester office)
W: https://www.activityalliance.org.uk/ 

Hub of Hope
Chasing the Stigma (CTS) has launched the Hub of Hope - a national mental health database, bringing help and support together in one place, with a focus on grassroots organisations.
W: https://hubofhope.co.uk/ 

Contextual Safeguarding

Safe in Sport Podcast

Safeguarding Adults: Top Tips

Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership
Funded by UK Government Levelling Up