Latest COVID-19 Information

Active Lancashire, change in working arrangements in response to COVID-19

We now all know that the COVID-19 outbreak will affect everyone’s lives for the next few months. Active Lancashire would like to make you aware of what we will be doing to support you as a valuable partner during these unprecedented times.

To ensure that our staff remain safe and to comply with Government advice, we will be closing our office and all staff will be working remotely, from 18th March onwards. Please be assured that we will continue to supply you with the highest standards of service during this period, to enable you to manage the challenges of keeping projects and activities operating over the coming months. We propose to work with you on an 8 week rolling time horizon to discuss meeting and review dates, to examine project delivery and financial flexibility, and to listen. We are looking to see what we can do to work with you to maintain momentum and confidence in our projects, delivery and relationships.

We will continue to update our website with latest advice on COVID-19 so please do review it regularly.
We will be following national advice as it emerges, so we would urge you to be aware of the following sources of information, particularly in relation to sports activities and events:

Communications and meetings with the Active Lancashire team

To minimise staff risk and in keeping with Government advice, we will close the office from the 18th March until further notice. Our Staff will be working from home and accessible via emails. Our usual telephone landlines will not be responded to, so please email staff and request a ring back if you do not already have staff mobile numbers. If any member of staff is unable to help you due to their own health of care responsibilities, we will seek to notify you through an ‘out of office’ notice complete with details of who to contact instead.

We will be rearranging or cancelling meetings and activities and wherever possible moving meetings using Microsoft Teams, to conduct partnership meetings.

The teams contact details can be found here - 

If you have any more general enquiries about this announcement, these should be sent to [email protected]

Active Lancashire training and activities

Our team provide training and face to face delivery, supporting people to engage in sport and physical activity, particularly people from disadvantaged groups. Our staff leading these activities will be in touch with individuals and groups to agree a way forward; some provision will continue, however it is highly likely that the majority will be cancelled in the immediate period. We will be examining options to provide on line alternatives which will include:

We will work with Sport and Leisure Centre operators to update on what provision is open to the public. We recognise that this may have implications for some of our core projects including CSI and Satellite Clubs: we will keep in touch with you if there is any further guidance we need to update you on.


Please get in touch with your usual Active Lancashire staff member or directly with me, if you have any questions or concerns. [email protected]

We encourage all our partners and staff to stay safe and keep in touch, we will inform you when the situation changes.

Keep active and keep well!


Adrian Leather
Active Lancashire

Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership