Innovative Cycle Scheme receives confirmation of new funding

A forward-thinking cycle scheme which provides residents in some of the most deprived areas of Lancashire with a recycled bike, has been awarded funding from two sources.

The Cycle Recycle Scheme, which forms part of Active Lancashire’s More Positive Together project (MPT), sees bikes collected from waste sites which, with a little repair, could be made road-worthy again. Delivery partners then host bike workshops across the County for the benefit of inactive, unemployed Lancashire residents who can attend workshops to maintain a bike and take it home for free with them at the end.

The two confirmed funds, from Lancashire County Council’s (LCC) Sustainable Transport Fund and the National Lottery, come as the project surpasses the two-year stage. It will be the second year running that LCC has supported the project, perhaps attributable to the success of the scheme which has seen over 1,200 bikes recycled and over 400 participants engage in the workshops since June 2018. The extension of funding will allow Active Lancashire to continue to support individuals across Lancashire to improve their health and wellbeing, as well as providing opportunities to access training and a sustainable mode of transport. There are also plans to fund local businesses who deliver Cycle Maintenance Workshops, which in turn will provide further opportunities for participants who have come through the scheme through volunteering.

Confirmation of funding from The National Lottery, however, is a first for the project and forms part of the ‘Awards for All’ scheme. The scheme, which emerged in the wake of the current pandemic, seeks to fund projects and organisations that are helping communities through COVID-19 and allows for Cycle Recycle to develop a safe delivery of cycle workshops that comply with government guidelines. The funding will also allow for a digital offer to be created, providing greater opportunities for Lancashire residents to engage in the scheme, improving overall health and wellbeing, whilst also encouraging people back into employment using their sustainable mode of transport.

Unfortunately due to the current National Lockdown workshops have been placed on hold, but Active Lancashire continue to support communities in accessing transport through the cycle scheme by linking residents with delivery partners Cycles RecycledThe Bike Works and Cycle Roots.

Project lead from Active Lancashire, Calum Marsden, commented on the confirmation of funding, as well as future plans for the project saying:

“It’s really exciting to announce the funding extension, this will enable us to continue to support more people into health and wellbeing initiatives. By using the power of the bike to get more people active, we plan to support people, places, local businesses and the environment. In light of the global pandemic, health and wellbeing is going to play a vital role across Lancashire."

For more information on the Cycle Recycle Scheme please visit: 

Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership