Active Lancashire-led behaviour change project has been shortlisted for an award

Lancashire behaviour change project, Challenge through Sport Initiative, has been shortlisted at the Burnley Community Sports Awards in the Contribution to Active Communities category after helping people in the community stay active throughout lockdown in the last 18 months.

The Challenge Through Sport Initiative (CSI) is an innovative behaviour change programme for people in recovery. A key focus of the project is to get participants who are often in poor mental and physical health engaged in sport and physical activity to improve their long term health and economic prospects.

“Keeping our participants and volunteers mentally healthy has been a huge challenge" says Jane Moodie, CSI Project Lead and Operations Manager at Active Lancashire, “We moved our activities online within 24 hours but we used the same tutors online that ran the sessions in person. This meant the participants were comfortable still joining in the activities”.

“The team has supplied over 50 tablets to those over the age of 50 who were not digitally connected. We have also opened a charity retail shop in Accrington with a community hub and this has gone from strength to strength and there has been a fabulous volunteer pathway created.”

Everyone at Active Lancashire would like to congratulate Jane and her team and wish them the best of luck at the awards evening which takes place on Thursday 21st October.

Find out more about the Challenge through Sport Initiative project here:

Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership