Workforce Development

Workforce Development

Providing support to the professional (paid staff in the sector) and volunteer workforce is a key area of focus for us in 2019-21. Training is a great way to upskill yourself or your workforce, and there are some accreditations which are essential for whatever part you play. We can provide a diverse range of training from Ofqual accredited courses, such as FAA Mental Health First Aid to Podcasts, which raise awareness of current topics and experiences in these across the network in bite-sized chunks. Our delivery methods have evolved; as well as delivering face to face, there are now options across a large number of courses to deliver online or offer blended learning to whatever suits the learner most. On our courses page you will find:

  • Training Calendar for this year
  • Short Introductory Videos to a range of courses
  • Contact details to discuss your requirements

For a summary of all the courses we offer, view our courses brochure here. There are plenty of other support services out there to help both the Professional and Volunteer workforce:

Professional Workforce

CIMSPA (Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity) is the sector lead organisation for Sport and Physical Activity. Any person working in the sector can become a member to recognise their high levels of professionalism, qualifications, and skills.

UK Coaching is the National lead for Coaching. As well as course information, they have tons of resources available for Coaches such as podcasts, guides, articles, videos and webinars.

Volunteers Lancashire

Our Lancashire - Lancashire wide initiative to bring groups andcommunities together to make Lancashire a greater place to live work and play. If you want to join a group, find help on how to set one up or just want to attend an event, this is the place for you! Supported by public services and organisations across Lancashire this is the one stop shop for groups and events.

Lancashire Volunteer Partnership - Providing one gateway into public service volunteering with an aim to make volunteering for public services rewarding and to provide opportunities for people to make a real difference in their local communities.

Lancashire Adult Learning - LAL currently offers an extensive range of subjects to adult learners, with over 2000 courses delivered through more than 300 venues across Lancashire; including Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer Training, Befriending, Get into Volunteering.


Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde Volunteer Centre - Provide support and inspiration for volunteers, organisations and groups to develop volunteering in the community

Lancaster CVS - To promote, develop and support, through partnership, a dynamic and diverse voluntary and community sector

West Lancashire CVS - Supporting voluntary action, empowering local communities

Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale CVS - To provide high quality services that promote and support effective and sustainable voluntary and community action in Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale and the surrounding areas

Hyndburn CVS – their main focus is promoting, organising and cooperating in initiatives to advance education, protect health and relieve poverty, distress and sickness, through bringing together voluntary organisations and statutory authorities for the benefit of the communities we serve


Join In - Bring together the sport and recreation sector and support our members to tackle the challenges and take advantage of opportunities. We are the voice of the sector with Government, policy makers and the media. We help get the nation active at the grassroots by providing advice, support and guidance.

Do It - Offers resources for people who want to be volunteers and voluntary organisations who are looking for help.

Club Matters– One stop shop for sport and physical activity providers, providing advice and guidance on all things needed to make a group run successfully. They also offer free workshops in Marketing, People Development, Finances and Business. Information and resources is also available around recruiting, keeping and developing volunteers

Tempo Time Credits - Time Credits are a way of recognising the amazing things people do in their communities. If you’re in an area where they work, through giving time to your community you can earn Time Credits - which you can spend on hundreds of activities across their national network.

Pass on your Passion

Pass on Your Passion is a campaign dedicated to celebrating women in sport and physical activity workforce. Read more about last year's campaign here.

Beth Kay
Operations Manager (Sport) and Head of Training Centre
Contact Beth Kay
Key Features
Allows the workforce to meet industry standards and encourages future-proofing
Tailored training programmes for the sports and leisure workforce
Up to date insight allows for relevant and effective programmes
Coaches or volunteers trained during the last financial year
Training courses held over the past year
Workshops delivered during the last financial year
Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership
Funded by UK Government Levelling Up