Active Lives: Children and Young People

Understanding young people’s attitudes and behaviours towards physical activity is important for us to be able to shape opportunities for them to be active.

The Active Lives Children and Young People Survey provides schools with the opportunity to gather insight into their pupil’s attitudes and behaviours towards Sport and Physical Activity. It also gives anyone working with children aged 5-16 key insight to help understand children's attitudes and behaviours around sport and physical activity.

How it works

It’s a national survey commissioned by Sport England and provides a world leading approach to gathering data on how children engage with sport and physical activity. Active Lancashire leads on the survey in Lancashire and by working with local partners (SGO’s, Local authorities) the survey is keenly promoted and schools are encouraged to complete or opt in (Opt in information below).

There are a random selection of schools per borough chosen per term to take part in the Active Lives CYP Survey. There are approximately 80 schools per term selected at random to take part in the survey across Lancashire. These schools will be contacted by Active Lancashire with information on how to complete the survey and the incentives for doing so. To access the incentives the school must meet the minimum response figure.

Each school that has been selected has had three year groups randomly chosen to complete the survey. Active Lancashire or the local SGO will email the school with the URL’s (survey must be completed online and in school for pupils) for the classes, teacher and parents (KS1 class only) along with a guide and deadline for completion. Active Lancashire will monitor survey responses throughout each term and provide encouragement and updates to schools.

The £100 EPSO voucher, Healthy Schools rating (see below) and school report will be received a few months after the term deadline for completion.

For more information, visit Sport England's dedicated page.

Schools not selected- Opt in

Schools are now being actively encouraged to Opt in to the survey to gather valuable insight on their pupil’s attitudes and behaviours and to achieve a Healthy schools rating.

If you would like your school to take part but you have not been selected as part of the random selection please complete the opt in form.

Schools will not receive the £100 EPSO incentive but will receive the healthy schools rating and report if they complete the survey as an Opt in School.

Healthy Schools Rating

Healthy schools rating scheme is a national scheme that recognises and encourages the contribution of schools to promoting health and wellbeing to children and young people. The scheme celebrates the positive actions of schools to promote physical activity and healthy eating whilst identifying the next steps for schools to further improve their provisions. The rating will be achieved by teachers completing the teacher survey on the Active Lives CYP. Teachers will be asked questions on:

  • Active Travel
  • Food Education
  • Food Standards
  • Physical Education

More information on the Healthy Schools Rating is available on the website. To find out more information on the Active Lives Children and Young People survey and the Healthy Schools Rating please contact Dominic Holroyd (Children & Young People Development Officer) on 01772 299830, [email protected]

Click here if you would like to opt in to the CYP Active Lives Survey

Opt In
Key Features
Active Lancashire support school's across Lancashire in completing the survey
Sport England led project featuring an innovative survey
World leading approach to gathering data
Children in England do not reach at least an average of 30 minutes physical activity a day
Lancashire residents do not meet recommended levels of physical activity
Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership