Young people in Pendle can access free breakfasts every weekday

Pendle YES Hub (PYH) in Nelson town centre has started offering free breakfasts every weekday morning to young people aged 16 to 24.

All they need to do is turn up at any point between 9.30am and 11am to access hot drinks, cereal, fruit and more.

Dave Marshall, Project Lead at PYH, said, “It is commonly said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because studies have shown that when people eat breakfast, things like concentration, memory, and energy improve, making them more alert.

“We want to set young people in Pendle up for the day ahead so that they are more energised. If they are going to college it will help them concentrate and if they are looking for employment they will be motivated. We also have a lot of young people attend our free sports and activities, and a good breakfast will give them the initial boost they need to participate.”

Julie Spencer is a regular attendee at the Hub. She said of the breakfast club, “I think it is a really good idea. It sets me up for the day and it would be good for young people who can’t afford their own breakfast. I don’t usually make time for breakfast and this has already helped me to bring it into my morning routine.”

PYH is an employability and wellbeing service for 16 to 24 year olds in the Pendle area, providing employment, education and training opportunities.

It is delivered by charities Active Lancashire and PAC on behalf of Pendle Borough Council and is connected to local partners who use its Nelson town centre building as a base to offer support with housing, mental health and run skills sessions.

As well as the breakfast club, PYH offers a weekly programme of free activities, including sports, housing and employment drop-in clinics and more. Find out more at

Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership