SPAR Lancashire School Games Media Ambassadors

The SPAR Lancashire School Games relies on volunteers as they play a significant role in supporting all events leading up to the School Games and the School Games themselves. As well as event and sport volunteers, the county event has a number of media ambassadors who work alongside Rock FM on interviewing participant and VIPs throughout the day.

Mrs Cox, Progress Coordinator at Walton le Dale High School shares their students experience of being media ambassadors at the 2019 SPAR Lancashire School Games.

“Five of our year 9 students from Walton le Dale High School attended a morning training session at Rock FM in May to learn and develop interviewing techniques to create successful interviews to be used for Rock FM’s social media. Students were run through what to expect on the day and given advice on the type of participants to look for to interview. Rock FM provided the students with 3 key questions to ask participants and organisers to use in their interviews. The students took part in role play to practise their interviewing techniques on each other to develop their confidence for the day and to allow them to see how they could extend certain responses given. Students also thought about how their use of language is important and may have to differ depending on the age of a participant for example. The students then enjoyed the opportunity to have a tour of Rock FM and to learn about how the station works.

“On the day of the Lancashire Games our students were split into a two and a three and they went around the park with staff from Rock FM interviewing participants and organisers of the Lancashire School Games. Some students were initially quite nervous about speaking to people they didn’t know. But after the first couple of interviews it was clear to see that all of the students’ confidence grew tremendously and they enjoyed going up to participants, organisers and even the mayor to ask their questions. Their interviews were slick and successful in portraying the key messages of the Lancashire School Games. The students worked well as a team by giving each other suggestions to improve and sharing the roles evenly by taking the interviewing and filming in turns.”

Thank you to the students from Walton Le Dale High School for all your hard work on the day! For more information on the SPAR Lancashire School Games visit

Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership