Selling Self-Care with Selfies

FyldeCoast residents are being encouraged to promote self-care by taking a selfie.

From November 12 to 18 the national campaign Self Care Week will be encouraging people to do something to promote their own health and wellbeing.

Self Care Week is an opportunity to promote self-care, which is one of the most effective tools in the promotion of prolonged good health and wellbeing.

The week-long campaign will be supported by local NHS organisations and local Councils across the Fylde Coast and they will be encouraging people to ‘choose self-care for life.’ In the build up to the week residents who already lead a healthy lifestyle, whether that’s physically or mentally are being asked to help inspire others.

If you do anything that helps your mental or physical health you can be an inspiration to those that need a little encouragement. Whatever it is you do take a quick photo and share it using #selfcareselfie on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Dr Amanda Doyle OBE, a Fylde Coast GP who is also accountable officer of the two CCGs, said: “Self-care is a vital element to prolonged and sustained health and wellbeing.

“The Self Care Week campaign provides healthcare providers, and our partners, with an opportunity to shine a light on this issue and encourage people to do things to improve their health. There are an almost limitless amount of things you can do to improve your health and I would encourage everyone to get involved with this campaign.”

Self-care encompasses a broad range of subjects, from healthier eating and increased activity to improve physical health to book groups and knit-and-natter groups to reduce loneliness and social isolation.

There are thousands of opportunities on the Fylde Coast through various groups, clubs and services; many of which are listed on the FYi Directory. During Self Care Week organisations will be promoting the activities and working with health professionals to promote the benefits of leading a self-caring lifestyle.

They will be used to show the vast range of opportunities available. Who knows, your selfie could help change someone’s life.

For more information about Self Care Week visit

Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership