School briefing session - opening school facilities; phase 2 funding

Opening school facilities – phase 2 funding (April - August 2021) school briefing session 18th March 10.30 am – 11.30 am

In light of Sport England's announcement that £10.1 million of Department for Education funding (DfE) will be invested into the Active Partnership network to:

  • To help develop extracurricular opportunities and community links for children and young people.
  • Support schools to open and re-open their facilities to the local community.

Active Lancashire will host a briefing session on the 18th March 2021 to explain the programme, potential opportunities for schools across Lancashire and the future webinars we will be delivering in April to provide schools will practical information on how to reopen safely with COVID restrictions in place.

Having been one of the 23 Active Partnership to deliver phase 1, we will share some of the success and findings from this work, and how our local findings will shape our offer for phase 2.
From phase 1 learning, Active Lancashire have identified some key themes across Lancashire for phase 2.

These local themes will include:
1. Focussing on inequalities specifically around BAME and SEND
2. Supporting schools with a high % of free school meal children
3. Supporting schools with a return to play offer for their pupils and the local community.
4. A focus on swimming pools and helping them re-open.

Active Lancashire would like to support schools to provide fun and engaging after school offer for their pupils to help them reconnect and recover from the effects of the pandemic. We want schools to reimagine what their after school offer can be to support young people, especially with some facilities unavailable (testing, class bubbles etc.) This is our initial and number 1 priority from the investment.
Funding will be provided directly to schools; this could be used for equipment, PPE, capacity, developing an appropriate after school offering. Primary Schools must identify a difference between this funding and PE & School Sport Premium to receive and apply for any funding!

Secondly, we want to support schools open and re-open their facilities for the wider community, including lettings. Funding could be used for booking systems, PPE, security systems, equipment, extra capacity to help with opening facilities. We will support schools interested in looking to develop their community offer.

We hope the briefing session will clearly outline our plans and you can sign up to the session here;

For more information please contact Dominic Holroyd or Mark Stephenson at [email protected] or [email protected]

Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership