Bailey - MPT Case Study

Bailey (17 years old) came onto the More Positive Together programme at the start of July seeking support in finding part-time employment. She was studying at Blackburn College and wanted to gain some experience alongside earning some money.

After many phone calls and a 1:1 appointment at the Newground office, it became apparent that Bailey lacked confidence and suffered from anxiety. She wasn’t happy with the college course she was doing (Health & Social Care), which she enrolled onto to gain her English & Maths qualifications. Bailey didn’t attend mainstream school very often and didn’t take her exams. She felt she needed them to move forward.

Amjad, a member of the MPT support team from Newground, found her a part-time position as a waitress serving food but she said she would be too nervous and would probably drop the food.

When asked what she would like to do in an ideal world she said work with animals, the team then went onto support Bailey to apply for apprenticeships or work experience at Pets at Home. Newground also approached Calum, Health and Wellbeing Officer at Active Lancashire, to see if there were any links with MPT’s new Wellbeing Offer ‘My Place at Home’ through the Lancashire Wildlife Trust. This was to explore potential opportunities for Bailey to work with animals.

Andy Mather from Lancashire Wildlife Trust discussed therapeutic activities which would be great for helping with anxiety and connecting to nature and the environment. Andy then suggested that Myerscough College could be an option and put Newground in touch with Freda at Witton Park.

It couldn’t have been timed any better, Freda was very helpful and said that the course ‘Level 1 CG Diploma Land-based Studies’ (Animal Care) had only just started the day before, she thought there might be one space available and would let me know as soon as possible. She rang the next morning confirming the place and Bailey attended that day and signed up. Freda had mentioned that Bailey would need a work placement to run alongside the course. To help support this, Alison from Newround rang a number of local employers to arrange for Bailey's placement and managed to find a placement in a local pet shop.

Bailey had an interview and successfully secured a position at the pet shop and has commenced with her college course.

Feedback from Freda is that Bailey is a lovely girl, perfect for the course (class of 8 pupils) and she fits in well. Bailey said she absolutely loves it!

Thank you to all partners who have played a part in making this young girl very happy. Fantastic outcome.


MPT Expression of Interest Form

Is the individual between the ages of 16 – 65?
Does the individual live in social housing?
If ‘Yes’ which Housing Association?
Adactus Housing
Blackpool Coastal Housing
Contour Housing
Great Places
Hyndburn Homes
Key Unlocking Futures
Places for People
Progress Housing Group
Symphony Housing
Your Housing
Is the individual currently in any form of employment, including zero hours contracts?
I know that the support offered is funded by the European Social Fund
The information provided in the form is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate.
The individual is not in paid work of any kind, including any zero hours contract.
If I have ticked a ‘Prefer not to say’ option anywhere on this form, I confirm that I am refusing consent for this information to be collected.
I give permission for my personal details to be shared with the partners who are signatories to the Information Sharing Agreement involved in the delivery of this project. A copy of the information sharing Agreement can be found at and a hard copy through your mentor
I understand that this information will be retained until at least 31 December 2026 for evaluation purposes. After that time, it will be destroyed in a secure manner.
I may be contacted at any time to discuss my involvement in the project.
I understand that the DWP, Government Internal Audit Agency, statutory bodies and signatories to the Information Sharing Agreement may request to see this information at any time and that it can only be shared in a secure manner and never emailed.

Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership
Funded by UK Government Levelling Up