Active Lives Survey 2021/22

Each academic year, various schools across the county are randomly selected by Sport England to participate in the National Active Lives survey which provides a world leading approach to gathering data on how children engage with sport and physical activity. It is a vital part of the work here at Active Lancashire and helps drive our vision and target our areas of work.

This year, the survey has been well received and over 100 schools have taken part with close to 9000 pupils submitting their responses. 88% of these schools will also be able to promote their Healthy Schools Rating. 

We are pleased with the response this year however, we are always keen to attract more responses to ensure that the research and insight we gather encapsulates the whole of Lancashire. We will continue to promote Active Lives and schools selected will be encouraged to completed this survey.

The full completion results for Lancashire will be shared here soon. 

CYP Active Lives Opt In

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Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership