200+ Primary Schools in Lancashire are set to take part in the Active Mile Challenge

200 + Primary Schools in Lancashire have received the Lancashire Active Mile resource pack encouraging schools and pupils to run, walk and skip a mile a day using these new resources.

The Active Mile Challenge is an initiative which supports pupils to be active during the school day by providing regular opportunities for them to move around a marked route for a dedicated period. The resources prepared in partnership with the Lancashire School Games Organiser Network, Portfolio Design and Active Lancashire were designed to encourage more schools and classes through the whole school approach. As a result, children can get out in the fresh air and connect learning with physical activity.

The Active Mile resources allow children to find out about the local history and the culture of the place they live in, interesting facts about different places in Lancashire can stimulate their imagination and inspire learning. The challenge itself is not limited to schools, children and families can do the suggested routes together too.

Active Lancashire wants the Active Mile Challenge to become more visual in schools so the children can record their journey through a specially designed travel log that takes them around the Lancashire County. Schools can be creative around the Active Mile, and even if space is limited at school it is about getting children out to move for 10 minutes. This can include running, jogging, walking, hopping or a mix of everything that makes up 10 minutes of freedom, contributing to the recommended 60 minutes a day of being active for children.

Mark Stephenson, the Operations Manager at Active Lancashire said:

“We are excited by the Lancashire Active Mile Challenge. We just want children to have fun, go wild for ten minutes and enjoy moving in the fresh air.  We want more schools to try the Active Mile Challenge to see all the benefits it can offer to children, teachers and schools.  It’s also great for children to find out more about the great things in Lancashire and being proud of the place they live in”

Currently, over 200 primary schools in Lancashire are taking part in the Active Mile Challenge.

School Games Organisers purchased the resources and distributed them among their local schools. Any school that has not received the resources yet but wants to participate in the challenge can purchase the sets by contacting Dominic Holroyd ([email protected])

Each set costs £50.

Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership