All Active Lancashire job vacancies will be published here, along with appropriate opportunities from our partners.

Other Opportunities

Skills for Work - Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub have brought together information and support that can help you get a job, and if you are employed there is help for you to learn new skills. Over 50 organisations across the whole of Lancashire are working together to make it easier for you to find work and training. There are 100’s of offers across Lancashire here to help you learn new skills or to support your health & wellbeing. 

Job Bulletin- The Help in Preston job bulletin will be updated each week to show a range of employment opportunities across the county including job vacancies, apprenticeships and trainee positions, volunteering and other training opportunities. 

Netball Development Officer - Lancashire (Maternity)

This role will be to grow and drive netball in the county, maintaining a shared, insight driven plan aligning to our Adventure Strategy and purpose.

Submit a Job Vacancy

Do you have a job vacancy that you would like to appear on our website?

Active Lives Sport And Physical Activity Coach

Active Blackpool are seeking a full time Active Communities Sport and Physical Activity Coach to deliver activity programmes across Blackpool that are inclusive, promote health and wellbeing and increase physical activity levels.

Community Programmes Manager

We have an excellent opportunity for an experienced employment services delivery manager to join the team to contribute to the delivery and development of our employment and skills service.

Operations Manager

Would you enjoy working in a positive environment of a charity through Engage Community? Engage Community would like to hear from you!

Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership
Funded by UK Government Levelling Up