Rossendale Works

Rossendale Works is a free service that has been designed to meet the needs of local people who have been struggling to get into the workplace. If you are looking for work, we can help you in a number of ways.

We run a free weekly calendar of sports, activities and social groups in Rossendale.

We also run regular job fairs. Watch out for the announcement of our next one soon.

Mentoring and support

We will work with you to address what may be preventing you from employment, providing you with a tailored workplan to develop your strengths and overcome social barriers. This may include:

  • Access to training to boost your skills
  • Access to activities and sports to help boost your confidence, health and wellbeing

Following your tailored plan, you may be able to access support with job applications.

Access to work placements and volunteering 

Working together with Rossendale Job Centre, we match eligible participants with local employers who can offer work experience and training opportunities. We also occasionally run free training courses that lead to a guaranteed interview on completion with some of Rossendale's top employers.

With the support of our funding, participants are able to continue to claim their usual benefits for the duration of work placements, which is typically for 4 weeks.

Apply now

If you are interested in accessing support from Rossendale Works, please contact us today.

Case studies

Dylan accessed a pre-employment course with a guaranteed interview at the end, leading to a new role with the manufacturer Interfloor.

Craig has been accessing voluntary work and other support, and hopes this will help him get back into work.

Rossendale Works for local employers

Rossendale Works is a partnership between Active Lancashire, the Department of Work and Pensions and Rossendale Borough Council. This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Like other projects and services linked to Active Lancashire, Rossendale Works has at its heart an emphasis on the value of sport and physical activity. 

By drawing on Active Lancashire's extensive experience gained from similar projects such as Challenge Through Sport Initiative, we know that by encouraging programme participants to be more physically active, we see great improvements in participant confidence and self esteem leading to better health and economic prosperity outcomes.

Staffed by our dedicated team who work collaboratively with Rossendale Job Centre, our main focus is to match eligible participants with local employers able to offer work experience and training opportunities.

Prospective employers are provided with a profile of matched participants for consideration, progressing to interview before work placements begin. The Rossendale Works team remain on hand throughout the interview and placement process to provide help should it be needed.

Our mentoring approach is proven to produce effective outcomes. Before participants are put forward for work placement, we have worked with them to identify and address any barriers to employment, helping them to develop their own strengths and work interests. Each participant receives a tailored program that allows overcoming social barriers, creating positive pathways. This approach helps to prepare the participant to confidently re-enter the workplace. Afterwards, the participant can also expect support with job applications. 

With the support of our funding, participants are able to continue to claim their usual benefits for the duration of the work placement, which is typically for 4 weeks, allowing employers the opportunity of an extended trial of potential employees before they commit.

The project boasts a track record of success of getting participants into employment and work placements, but importantly, sees many engaging in a range of community activities, and making a valuable contribution to stronger more cohesive neighbourhoods.

Funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. Find out more here.

Paul Becouarn
WorkWell Project Officer
Contact Paul
For participant information, visit:

Weekly activities
Key Features
Inspired by the successful Active Lancashire-led project, the Challenge through Sport Initiative
Participants can re-engage with their communities and partake in a range of group sports activities
Partnership project connecting residents with local employers via a support mentor
Participants gained work placements
Participants successfully into employment
Participants have engaged in sport or physical activity sessions
Active Partnerships
Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership